


Important Cat Training Tips to Know

When bringing a new cat into your home, it is important to make sure your cat adjusts well and follows along with your house rules. If you need help effectively training your cat, follow along with these helpful tips provided by our experts at North Shore Animal League America.

By |2020-06-18T10:52:16-04:00July 31st, 2019|

Basic Dog Training Tips

Is your dog making accidents all over the house? Or does your dog need to learn how to behave around other dogs, or even around other people? If you need help training your dog to be well-behaved, read the tips below, all of which are provided by experts at North Shore Animal League America. But keep in mind, training your dog or puppy will take plenty of time and patience!

By |2021-02-02T18:22:26-04:00July 31st, 2019|

New York Becomes First State to Ban Cat Declawing

Cat lovers in New York State are rejoicing today. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.5532B/A.1303) that bans the declawing of cats in New York and the bill takes effect immediately. New York, the first state in the nation to ban the procedure of cat declawing, leads the way for others to follow.

By |2019-08-15T09:20:33-04:00July 22nd, 2019|

Loyal Bella Longs for a Home of Her Own

Brindle beauty seeks a home with a single person, a couple, or a family with older children. Must be willing to play ball “a lot,” take long neighborhood walks, and hang out to watch TV. Would like to meet all human candidates and canine siblings, but would prefer not to coexist with any cats. Read More

By |2019-09-03T17:24:01-04:00July 17th, 2019|

Happiness is Adopting with A Friend

Rebecca and Gisela, friends for 15 years, had both lost their beloved cats last year. Their grief had finally softened and a spot had opened up in each of their hearts again. They were ready to adopt and welcome new furry friends into their families. “It’s just too quiet in the house, it’s time for me to come to North Shore Animal League America,” said Rebecca. So Rebecca and Gisela, along with Gisela’s husband Frank, made plans to visit our campus in Port Washington, New York.

By |2019-08-02T16:43:35-04:00July 12th, 2019|

New LaRocca Dog Park: Helping Canines Find their Perfect Matches

The transformed dog park, now renamed the LaRocca Dog Park, is a busy place when canine adoptions are happening on North Shore Animal League America’s Port Washington, N.Y. campus. Families looking to adopt a new dog can become better acquainted with the pet in this beautiful quiet space. The original dog park was donated 15 years ago by Karen and Don LaRocca in memory of their dog, “Rags.” For 16 years, Karen was a valued volunteer who would always be found at Animal League America’s adoption center on Saturday afternoons. She walked and socialized the adult dogs and visited with the adult cats too.

By |2019-07-22T17:09:41-04:00June 21st, 2019|

Rescue Ramps Up in June

Our Rescue Team here at North Shore Animal League America got off to a very busy start this month with 100 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens arriving safely at our Port Washington, NY campus. Including a special air rescue facilitated by the Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team and their new airvan donated by The Rachael Ray Foundation.

By |2019-08-13T13:44:19-04:00June 13th, 2019|

Exceptional Rescue Pups in Training

Nancy climbed into the playpen with the 8-week-old puppies, rescued by North Shore Animal League America and handpicked by the staff. She was looking for a pup that approached her and wanted attention from her, first and foremost, even more than he or she wanted to play with the other puppies. On this day, she found four rescued pups that just might have what it takes to become service dogs.

By |2019-07-01T12:32:23-04:00June 10th, 2019|