

Does the rescue have to return the dog to the woman?

I volunteer for a dog rescue. A woman adopted one of the dogs, decided it wasn’t a good fit, and returned it. Two weeks later, she demanded that the rescue give the dog back. Does the rescue have to return the dog? She said she was “not a good fit” for her family? She is harassing us daily, has hired a lawyer, and is now threatening to send the police to the foster hole where the dog is located.

By |2019-09-30T15:14:23-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

Original owner wants the dog that he surrendered.

Last week, we found a 16 week old puppy with health issues. We called the number on his collar, and the person stated that he did not want him anymore. The dog is registered in our household now, and has visited our vet already. Recently, the original owner said he regrets that he gave him away, and he is demanding that we give him back. Is there any legal action he can take to actually take him back? Can we fight it?

By |2019-07-23T15:20:27-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

I sold my Golden Retriever puppy and want it back.

I fell for a sob story of a single mother trying to fulfill the dream of her son owning a Golden Retriever puppy. I had bred my Golden girl and she contacted me about buying a puppy. We agreed on a payment plan because she couldn’t pay total up front. She has never met any deadline set, nor has she paid any amount after taking the puppy. I filed a civil suit where the judge awarded me the amount she owes plus fees. I don’t want the money, I want my puppy back, but the judge said he cannot order an injunction. She has tried to sell the puppy on Facebook, and now is looking for another place to live because she has to move.

By |2019-07-23T15:14:14-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

My ex husband is suing for the cost of our puppy.

My ex husband and I briefly got back together. While we were at the mall, I saw him in the pet store. He got a puppy that he knew I would want. I always wanted this breed. He got the dog in his name and vet in his name. We broke up less than a month later. I offered to take the dog and payments via text, but he never gave me the dog or drew up a agreement. Now two months later, he is taking me to small claims court for the cost of the dog.

By |2019-07-23T15:07:19-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

I had three dogs taken from me while I was not home.

What can I do when a humane society knows that I am the legal owner of three dogs, but did not hold them for a reasonable time or try to contact me that the dogs are in their care. They told me they didn't know who the owner was, and they clearly did know because I have been there before, and also gave them shots which they had record of. The records show who the owner is and how to get in touch with me.

By |2019-07-23T15:03:10-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

My neighbor is neglecting her pet. What recourse do I have to get the dog help?

I helped my neighbor adopt a dog from the local shelter. The help I provided was by accompanying her with the adoption process. She had initially asked for my help because of my relationship with the rescues. Although I hardly knew her, she appeared to have taken good care of her past pets. She has had the dog not a week yet, but is neglecting him. She does not feed him regularly and is not attending to his UTI. She also has very condemnable living conditions. I did not see or know this until after the adoption. I have offered my advice several times on how to care for the dog. I have also given her supplies such as food, bedding, treats, harness, leash, etc.. As I am discovering the neglect, I also offered to take the dog back to shelter. She is now refuses/ignores my support. The dog is not getting basic needs met and does not have decent living conditions. What recourse do I have now to get the dog help?

By |2019-10-15T14:33:04-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

Foster is refusing to meet us for adoption finalization.

I’m from Massachusetts, and after our close friends had two very successful transactions with a great adoption foundation in Vermont, we decided it was finally time for us to adopt. We cleared all the processing and were informed that we were approved to adopt. Now the foster is refusing to give the dog up after only fostering for under 48 hours. This is first time the foundation has had anything like this happen in 20 years. Please share your thoughts and thank you so much in advance!

By |2019-07-23T14:36:27-04:00July 23rd, 2019|

An animal shelter gave my friend’s dog away to a rescue.

A friend of mine had a dog that was missing. She contacted all the local shelters and dog pounds. One of the shelters didn't return her calls. Finally she was able to speak to someone, and they said they didn't have her dog. A few days later they called her back saying they gave her dog to a rescue because she didn't claim the dog. She asked what rescue, but they refused to tell her where they sent her dog. What can she do? I advised her to contact the police department and file a report and screenshots of all her incoming and outgoing calls to them. What else can she do legally?

By |2019-07-22T13:11:21-04:00July 22nd, 2019|