Pet Legal Q&A

///Pet Legal Q&A

Elinor D. Molbegott, is an attorney who maintains a law practice devoted to animal law. Elinor donates her time to answer questions from North Shore Animal League America supporters who would like to learn more about animal law.

Dog died while being boarded.

I watched someone’s dog while they went on vacation and it died of heat exhaustion can they sue my landlords home owners insurance for their dog dying?

By |2023-08-21T11:16:31-04:00July 4th, 2023|

Pet Question.

I owned my dog for 2 years before deciding to give him away. The agreement was that we would be able to visit and take him with notice. Recently, the owner stopped responding to me, and I was informed that he doesn't want us to see him anymore. I kept all his paperwork, and he's registered in my name in case this happened. Do we have any rights, and what should I do to get him back?

By |2023-08-21T11:48:15-04:00July 2nd, 2023|

Severe injury to dog at the groomer’s, causing a cranial cruciate ligament rupture requiring surgery.

What is the best course of action to seek compensation for my dog's pain, suffering, and treatment expenses, including the cost of surgery? I have already contacted a large attorney group, and they are not interested in taking this case. I don't have the money to pay out of pocket for an attorney. My dog walked into the groomer's, but he couldn't walk or bear weight when he was picked up from the groomer's.

By |2023-08-21T11:58:08-04:00June 29th, 2023|

Who is the owner of this cat.

Last October I found a stray cat stuck in a cage by a dumpster and brought it home. I got it shots, spayed, and microchipped all under my name. My girlfriend at the time wanted to find a better home for it then my college dorm so decided to send it to her house to live with her mom while we were at school. Fast forward 6 months we broke up and she refuses to give me the cat back. Everything is under my name but she swears that her mother feeding it for the last 6 months and giving it a home outweighs the paperwork.

By |2023-08-21T11:13:00-04:00June 27th, 2023|

Taking ownership of a dog.

I was gifted a dog because the owner moved and couldn't have a pet where she was staying. Four months later, she found a location where she could take the dog and wanted it back. When I said that was not happening, she called the police and lied, saying I stole her dog. She claimed that I was fostering the dog temporarily and now refused to return it...

By |2023-07-17T16:55:17-04:00June 25th, 2023|

I want my dog back.

Okay, my wife went to jail while she was walking my dog, and she ended up getting arrested. The police took my dog to the humane society. At the time, I didn't have $30, so they wouldn't give my dog back. Later, I called them, and they said it was now up to $50. Sadly, they adopted my baby to another family, and when I talked to them, they said they couldn't work with me or do anything, and that he is pretty much gone. However, my dog is microchipped, and his tags were up to date too. Please help.

By |2023-07-17T16:43:37-04:00June 24th, 2023|

How can I get my dog back after selling it?

I bought my daughter a puppy to help with her depression on September 2nd, 2022. 2 days ago, we sold the puppy to see if she would be okay without her and she is not. We have a doctor's note that she HAS to have the dog with her at ALL times. The family that has the puppy is rude and irresponsible and we want the puppy back. How do we get her back? (No contract was signed)

By |2023-06-20T16:57:43-04:00June 20th, 2023|

Can my sister legally give my dogs away or let them loose without my permission?

I live with my sister and her and I had got into an altercation. She advised that she will no longer care for small senior dogs while I'm at work. She said if I don't take them with me when I leave that she will take them to the pound or let them loose. I've decided to move back home to California in 30 days but in the meantime, I cannot take my dogs with me to work, nor can I take them everywhere I go because of the weather temps here so I quit my job. She doesn't want them on her property unless I'm here. I believe it's an act of control and revenge. Can she legally give my dogs away or let them loose without my permission?

By |2023-06-20T16:53:40-04:00June 20th, 2023|

While my brother in law is in prison, I have cared for his dogs and my children are very attached to them and they are very attached to us. He may decide to take them back because of their health. What can I do?

My brother-in-law went to prison for 5 years he is still in prison he asked if we (my husband “his brother” and I could take the dogs in we said yes easily as dog lovers. We had the dogs over a year nearly two. One of the two dogs has a tumor, and I can’t afford surgery. Now he wants to take the dogs and send them to his aunt so she can get medical care and keep the dogs. I’ve invested a lot of money in these dogs, and I don’t want to give them up. By law am I obligated to give them up. His name is still on their microchips. But I’ve been feeding and housing them for the past year and half me and my children are very attached to them and they are very attached to us. What can I do?

By |2023-06-20T16:49:11-04:00June 20th, 2023|